Sunday 15 January 2017

The Five People you Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom

I loved this, it is such a gorgeous, thoughtful, effortless novel. Albom presents both a beautiful version of a life and a beautiful version of heaven. Albom imagines that after death, everyone will meet five people, some of whom have affected our lives and others whose lives we have affected. Through these people we will come to understand and make peace with our lives, and so be released from the emotional baggage of our lives.

We meet Eddie on the day he dies and follow him through his five meetings. The meetings are interspersed with snapshots of some of Eddie's birthdays over the years. Albom's effortless writing gently unravels Eddie's rather ordinary but wonderful life. 

This is another book I've been reading in the library. I read it in two days, not only because the weekend was so wet, but because the novel is beautifully, quietly and heartwrenchingly human.