Saturday 14 January 2017

Peaches for Monseigneur le Curé, Joanne Harris

I read Blackberry wine a few years ago and really enjoyed it, I loved the the way taste and food is integral to the lives of the characters. Her novels, maybe unfairly, feel like guilty pleasures to me, which is why I chose this one to read on rainy afternoons in the library.

This is the latest in the series which started with Chocolat. We follow Vianne Rocher as she returns to the village of Lansquenet. A community of muslims have moved into the area and there are tensions between the locals and the new settlers. Rocher sets out to reconcile the two communities and uncover mysteries. It is very intriguing with a good storyline. The writing is a little annoying at times, featuring obvious musing and rhetorical questions from Rocher, and the protagonist herself can be a little too much, though this is picked up on by some of the other characters and is perhaps intentional, it certainly makes her a little more human. Good for rainy days.