Saturday 12 January 2019

Saturday, Ian McEwan

Saturday is one Saturday in February 2003 seen through the eyes of Henry Perowne. Perowne is an affluent, experienced neurosurgeon living in central London with his wife and son. On this Saturday his father in law and daughter are coming from their respective homes in France for dinner, a family reunion. 

I found it fascinating to be in the head of Perowne; there are revelations and events on this Saturday which are dramatic but part of the Saturday is spent running errands and playing a game of squash with a colleague. McEwan captures trains of thought the everyday and minutiae really well. 

Perowne strikes a balance between being an understandable, known type of person and an individual, he isn't a grotesque. An artful, slick novel commenting on everything; family, society, politics, relationships, masculinity and London.