Monday 29 October 2018

The Mist in the Mirror, Susan Hill

I loved this, the atmosphere and sense of place she evokes is so British, wintry, cosy and sometimes bleak that it almost satisfied a homesickness.

Mist in the Mirror is a story within a story, the narrator is given a manuscript by an acquaintance, which tells the story of a man returned to the UK, after being sent abroad as a child. He plans to research his hero, an explorer who he has modelled his life on, and in so doing begins to ask questions about his own family and Yorkshire roots, none of which he can remember.

The novel is definitely a ghost story, and is creepy in the vein of Edgar Allen Poe or Oliver Onions. It is a mystery, and one which is not really solved. There is no big reveal where all the ends are tied up, rather we are given drops of information and end with a feeling of the 'true' events, but not a finished story. I love this in literature, you're given freer reign and it feels more honest or real somehow.