Tuesday 31 July 2018

Heartburn, Nora Ephron

I'd heard a lot about Nora Ephron's writing in general and this novel in particular, so I was aware of expecting too much from it. As soon as I'd read the first pages though I was completely gratified. It is a novel based on the break-up of Ephron's second marriage (similar to The Enchanted April in some ways). Our narrator is Rachel, who is seven months pregnant with their second child when she finds out her husband is having an affair.

It is a heartbreaking and joyous novel, Rachel is witty and personable. The whole novel makes you feel as though Rachel is sat next to you, chatting about what's happened. She immediately pulls you into her world and is irreverent and aware of all the neuroses and shortcomings and idiosyncrasies of it. She is broken and conveys a messy confusion shot through with humour.