Wednesday 20 August 2014

Under the Net, Iris Murdoch

This one was a surprise, for some reason I expected it to be much more serious than it is. It is a very enjoyable, haphazard story, the kind which seemingly has no beginning, middle or end but is a series of connected events.

The whole is glued together by the personality of Jake Donaghue. He is a young, philosophical writer with a wry sense of humour. We meet him as he has been kicked out of his flat and he jumbles his way from one situation and encounter to another, involving a famous actress, the woman he loves, a canine filmstar an old friend (who may be an enemy) and Mrs Tinckham's shop. It is funny and light hearted, but also has an underlying seriousness which stops the story ever becoming too silly. Dry and highly enjoyable I would recommend it.