Monday 24 June 2013

If You Find Me, Emily Murdoch

If You Find Me  is compelling and original. It was one of the last proofs I got before I stopped working at Waterstones. It is a teen novel, which would usually have me running a mile, but this one has something different.

It is the story of Carey (aged 14/15) and her little sister Janessa (6), who live in a camper van in the woods with their drug-addicted mother. They have lived there almost as long as Carey can remember and since before Janessa was born. Their mother often disappears for weeks at a time, it is during one of these disappearances, when they are running low on supplies, that we meet the sisters. 'Then strangers arrive and everything changes'

It is a brilliant, story of surviving, coping, and family. New ways of life being reconciled with old secrets. The characterisation is really subtle and well done. When you read it (because you are going to, aren't you?) you'll notice that Delaney is really well drawn, and not a cliche as she could have been!

Thank you very much Indigo books for the proof. 

I am reading Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw now. I didn't realise until I was a couple of pages in, but its the play 'My Fair Lady' is based on, so I have Audrey Hepburn walking around in my head.