Sunday 11 December 2022

Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata

I devoured this, it is so readable and odd and lovely. Our protagomist is odd which serves to highlight just how odd a lot of society is. She ends up being very relatable and we root for her and her simple life. Funny and strange.


Friday 9 December 2022

Art, Simon Schama

I thoroughly enjoyed this, the intro looks at art in general but the rest focuses on the life of Caravaggio. Schama is incredibly engaging and Caravaggio's life played out like a Greek tragedy. Schama entwines the story with detailed descriptions of a few of his works and gives us insight, context and drama. Gorgeous.


Sunday 4 December 2022

The Eye of Childhood, Short Stories

These were great stories and I loved them, I was expecting some of them to be a little dark, but I was genuinely shocked at how horrible a couple of them were.