I have been reading this little by little since the summer. It is still a struggle for me to read in Spanish, way more than listening to something, basically because I don't do it enough. Reading in Spanish is a bit like watching something happening through fog. You can see the shapes and what is happening, but you know you're not getting the full picture.
I think this is also why I don't do it as much as I should. Watching a film or listening to something you get so much from the images and body language. You can still understand the emotion and nuance. This is also something I love about reading, the nuance and ideas that come just through the language. I find it a bit heartbreaking and frustrating that I can't read between the lines like I can in English.
Anyway, this book I found really useful, it is short stories and the pages on the left are in Spanish, on the right in English. So I could read the Spanish and check that I had understood by looking at the English.
The stories themselves are varied and all are very good, some are more interesting than others but all have something to say. From a woman who trains her dog to go and weep at her graveside to a study of people in a sinister waiting room.