Friday 25 August 2017

I Bought a Mountain, Thomas Firbank

This was a really interesting find, it was first published in 1940, this edition is 1965 and needed a lot of glue and very careful page turning to read, worth the effort though.

Firbank bought a Welsh mountain farm when he was just 21 and knew very little about farming. The book tells of his experiences learning about the trade, the rhythm of the years and a plethora of ventures, some more successful than others. 

Firbank is forthright and eloquent, adept at building the atmosphere and feel of the farm and the mountains. The love he has for the people, way of life and mountain landscapes is palpable. 

This is a guardian article from 2010 when the farmhouse was opened as a holiday cottage by the National Trust. Sad to read that Firbank moved away from the farm when he split with his wife Esme, you could sense the love and admiration for her just as much as the land in the book.

This is Firbank's obituary, surprising after reading I Bought a Mountain, though lovely to read 'he described his life as a series of reincarnations'.