Monday 3 November 2014

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rachel Joyce

This is a really readable, lovely novel. It got a lot of attention while I was working in Waterstones, I wasn't blown away by The Unlikely Pilgrimage... but I did enjoy it and it has some beautiful moments.

We follow Harold Fry, a retiree as he walks from one end of the country to the other in the hope of saving a friend. It is a very touching story and describes the therapeutic nature of walking. As Harold walks he remembers, and starts to make sense of his life and the things he regrets. The walk takes Harold out of himself and allows him and his family the space to look back.

My only criticism of this book was that it was a little twee, however it did remind me of one of the reasons why I love to read. The Unlikely Pilgrimage.. really has a sense of putting you in someone else's shoes and understanding a different sort of life. It deserves a read. 

Next is Last Orders by Graham Swift.