Tuesday 16 September 2014

Moll Flanders, Daniel Defoe

Of The Famous
Moll Flanders, &c.
Who was Born in Newgate.
and during a Life of continu'd Variety for
Threescore Years, besides her Childhood,
Was Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife
(whereof once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a Theif,
Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia,
at last grew Rich, liv'd Honest,
and died a Penitent,
Written from her own Memorandums

So reads the first page in the novel. It is a pretty good summary, if a little dated. I really enjoyed this, it was good to read something written in such a noticable style and which sticks with a charachter throughout their life. 

Apart from being an eventful story (see above!) Moll Flanders is really of it's time. In this book 'whore' just means anyone (actually it means a woman, but we'll not go there) not married to the person they are living/sleeping with. The book highlights the options for a woman in the 1700s, they either need to be rich or married, and moll spends her whole life trying to be both. It's hard to say weather or not she is likeable, she is interesting and understandable but definitely becomes hardened, and an accomplished liar. 

It's enjoyable and a bit of a history lesson so worth a read. I'm reading 'Noon' by Aatish Taseer now, not sure what I think of it so far (I'm possibly not paying enough attention).